Bhartia International school

N.H.11,Rajaldesar Ratangarh (Raj) 

(SESSION 2024-2025)

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From No. 101

Reg. Date 08-10-2024 00:00:00

Class : I
Name of the Candiate :-  TommieScacy
Father's Name :-  TommieScacy
Mother's Name :-  TommieScacy
Date of Birth 1975-11-11 Gender Male
Nationality russian Category General
Contact No 8292466482 Email ID
Correspondence Address:- Crucial Tips for Maintaining Your Upland Bicycle Caring for your mountain bike stays essential for ensuring a secure and pleasant journey, and it begins with a routine that preserves your bike in top shape. Commence with frequent washing to remove dirt and filth, which can cause damage and abrasion on working components. Employ a mild bike-specific detergent and a delicate scrub to avoid damaging the components. Oil the links and other moving pieces regularly to ensure efficient and efficient performance, which also aids avoiding oxidation and corrosion. Checking wheel inflation is vital; properly pressurized wheels not only enhance functioning but also reduce the risk of punctures. Inspect the tires for any marks of damage such as gashes or holes. Regularly examine your halters to guarantee they work accurately; review the stopping surfaces for wear and adjust the brake cables as needed. Mechanisms need to be inspected and tweaked to make sure seamless transition, which is vital for handling varying lands. Examine the bike frame for any splits or marks of strain, as unseen harm can lead to severe incidents. By diligently maintaining your cycle, you not only lengthen its lifespan but also make sure it performs effectively, making sure you protected and equipped for any trail. [url=]Manual Air Pump for Balloon Tires for Mountain Bike[/url] [url=]Advice Slope Riding Limited Schedule[/url] 700f42d
Permanent Address:- Crucial Tips for Maintaining Your Upland Bicycle Caring for your mountain bike stays essential for ensuring a secure and pleasant journey, and it begins with a routine that preserves your bike in top shape. Commence with frequent washing to remove dirt and filth, which can cause damage and abrasion on working components. Employ a mild bike-specific detergent and a delicate scrub to avoid damaging the components. Oil the links and other moving pieces regularly to ensure efficient and efficient performance, which also aids avoiding oxidation and corrosion. Checking wheel inflation is vital; properly pressurized wheels not only enhance functioning but also reduce the risk of punctures. Inspect the tires for any marks of damage such as gashes or holes. Regularly examine your halters to guarantee they work accurately; review the stopping surfaces for wear and adjust the brake cables as needed. Mechanisms need to be inspected and tweaked to make sure seamless transition, which is vital for handling varying lands. Examine the bike frame for any splits or marks of strain, as unseen harm can lead to severe incidents. By diligently maintaining your cycle, you not only lengthen its lifespan but also make sure it performs effectively, making sure you protected and equipped for any trail. [url=]Manual Air Pump for Balloon Tires for Mountain Bike[/url] [url=]Advice Slope Riding Limited Schedule[/url] 700f42d
City  : State : Paraguay Pin Code :
S.No Examinations Board/University Subjects Year of Passing Percentage of marks
1. Class Tips Slope Cycling Windy Weather zk46v$Bsv8N
2. Other Tips Slope Cycling Windy Weather zk46v$Bsv8N

All the information given in the form is correct and best to my knowledge


Signature of Candidate                                                                   Signature of the Parent / Guardian                                       Signature of Director

Date: -                                                                                               Date:-

Place: -                                                                                              Place:-
